Terms and Condition

How we follow the rule and contract

Article 1: Applicability


The purpose of this agreement is to define the rights and obligations between WIBS International Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and the Registered Users (defined in Article 2) regarding the use of the Service (defined in Article 2), and it applies to all relationships between the Registered Users and the Company regarding the use of the Service.


The rules, regulations, etc. related to the Service that we may publish from time to time on our Website (as defined in Article 2) shall form part of these Terms and Conditions.


Article 2: Definitions


The following terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below:


Intellectual Property Rights: means all rights related to copyrights, patents, utility models, trademarks, design rights, data including transaction prices, etc., that may be obtained through various APIs developed or provided by the Company or its affiliates, documents including content such as chat messages and the Company’s emails, databases, websites, graphics, software, applications, programs, codes, etc., and other intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights), and other intellectual property rights (including the right to acquire or apply for the registration of such rights), all rights relating to documents, databases, websites, graphics, software, applications, programs, codes, etc. (including the right to acquire or apply for the registration of such rights).


Our Website: means the websites operated by us whose domain name is “wibs-international.com” (regardless of the device used. (If the domain or content of the Company’s website is changed for any reason, this includes the website after such change), including all sub-domains.


Prospective Registrant: means the “Prospective Registrant” as defined in Section 3.


Registered Information: means the “Registered Information” as defined in Section 3.


Registered User: means an individual or entity that has been registered as a user of the Service in accordance with Article 3.


Services: means the bitcoin and altcoin sales offices provided by the Company (the “Services” or “Seller”). The crypto-asset purchase and sale service called “WIBS App (including exchanges) means a service that provides a place to buy and sell cryptographic assets among Registered Users called “cryptographic assets” (hereinafter including the name of the exchange and may be referred as “crypto-asset”, “crypto”, “cryptocurrency”), a service to conduct OTC derivative transactions related to cryptographic assets between Registered Users and the Company, and other related services (if the name or content of the service is changed for any reason, the service after such change will be included). means the following.


User Agreement: means the agreement for the use of the Service between the Company and the Registered User pursuant to Article 3 and in accordance with the various provisions of the Terms of Service.


Crypto-assets: means crypto-assets managed by the Company, and “Crypto-asset Related OTC Derivative Transactions” means index futures transactions or other financial cotnract underlying any cryptocurrency or similar, which are calculated based on the price of related or underlying crypto-assets (hereinafter referred to as “Reference Crypto-assets”) as defined by the Company. (hereinafter referred to as “Reference Crypto-assets”).


Article 3: Registration


A person who wishes to use the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Prospective User”or the “Applicant”) agrees to abide by these Terms and Conditions and provides the Company with certain information as determined by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Registration Information”).


The Prospective Registrant represents and warrants that he/she has not been, is not, and will not be in the future, any of the following


Antisocial forces, etc. (meaning organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, quasi-constituents of organized crime groups, companies affiliated with organized crime groups, general assemblies, social movement advocacy groups, special intelligence groups, etc., and other similar persons). The same shall apply hereinafter).


Interact or participate in any way with antisocial forces, such as cooperating or participating in the maintenance, operation or management of antisocial forces, etc., by providing funds or otherwise.


If the Company approves the registration, the Company shall notify the applicant of such approval, and the applicant’s registration as a Registered User shall be deemed to be completed upon such notification. If we do not approve the registration, we are under no obligation to disclose the reason to the applicant. Whether the registration is approved or not, we are not obliged to return any documents, etc. received from the applicant.


Upon completion of registration in accordance with the preceding paragraph, a contract for the use of the Service in accordance with the various provisions of this Agreement shall be formed between the Registered User and the Company, and the Registered User may use the Service in the manner prescribed by the Company.


The Company reserves the right to refuse registration if any of the following circumstances apply to a prospective registrant


If any or all of the registration information provided to the Company is false, inaccurate or omitted.

The applicant is a minor, an adult ward, a person subject to conservatorship or guardianship, and has not obtained the consent of a legal representative, guardian, conservator, or assistant.


Being an antisocial person, etc., or maintaining an antisocial person, etc., by providing funds or otherwise.


If the Company determines that the Applicant has committed any of the acts.


If you reside in a country or region where we do not provide the Service, or if we are unable to provide the Service because it falls under our arbitrary conditions.


If we determine that you may be a Specified U.S. Person as defined in the Statement of Mutual Cooperation and Understanding between the U.S. Treasury Department and the authorities for the Improvement of International Tax Compliance Implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Facilitation of FATCA Implementation (FATCA Statement).


Other cases in which the Company deems registration inappropriate.


Article 4: Change of Registered Information


If there is any change in the registered information, the Registered User shall promptly notify the Company of such change in the manner prescribed by the Company and provide the materials requested by the Company.


Registered Users must notify us if they are or become a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or a relative of a Politically Exposed Person (RPEP). If you are or become a relative of a person who is or has become a politically exposed person, you must notify us.


We will not be liable for any damages incurred by the Registered User as a result of the User’s failure or delay in providing notice as described in the preceding paragraphs.


Article 5: Password and User ID Management


Registered Users are responsible for their own password (including login password, API secret, private key, authentication code, PIN and any other names. The same shall apply hereinafter) and User ID (including login ID, account ID, API key, PIN and any other name. The same shall apply hereinafter). You shall not allow any third party to use, lend, transfer, change the name of, sell or otherwise trade in such User ID.


Any use of the Service by a third party using a Registered User’s password and User ID shall be deemed use of the Service by the Registered User. Password or User ID mismanagement, misuse, disclosure, use by third parties, theft, etc. (Regardless of whether the Registered User entered the password or User ID, we will authenticate the identity of the Registered User by matching the password or User ID, and this Service will be deemed to be used by the Registered User).


If a Registered User discovers that his/her password or user ID has been stolen or used by a third party, he/she must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s instructions.

Article 6: Fees and Payment Methods


When using the Service, the Registered User shall pay the fees and other charges for the use of the Service as separately determined by WIBS International Ltd.


If a Registered User is late in paying the usage fee, the Registered User shall pay to WIBS International Ltd. a late payment penalty at the rate of 23% per annum.


Registered Users who do not reside in Japan may be subject to an additional fee to be determined separately by WIBS International Ltd.


In the event that a Registered User does not pay the required price or fees by the due date and the debt to the Registered User still exists, WIBS International Ltd. may set off the said debt against the Registered User at any time without prior notice, regardless of the due date of the debt.


In this case, WIBS International Ltd. may cancel the Registered User’s money or crypto-assets withdrawal instructions, cancel the order, dispose of the assets held or the remaining crypto-assets without prior notice. In such cases, WIBS International Ltd. may, without prior notice and at its sole discretion, cancel the Registered User’s withdrawal instructions, cancel the order, dispose of the assets held, settle any remaining open positions in crypto-asset-related OTC derivative transactions by counter-purchase or other means, convert the currency at its arbitrary rate, or take any other action it deems necessary. WIBS International Ltd. may also convert the currency at its arbitrary rate, etc., as it deems necessary. WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of such offsetting or processing.


In the case of set-off according to the previous paragraph, the period of execution of the set-off, the interest rate, the fee rate, and the standard used for the conversion of foreign currency or cryptographic assets shall be determined by WIBS International Ltd. with regard to the calculation of credits and debts, interest, damages, etc. in accordance with the regulations of WIBS International Ltd. Furthermore, in the case of repayment or offsetting of a debt owed to WIBS International Ltd., if it is not sufficient to extinguish the entire amount of the Registered User’s debt, it may be appropriated by WIBS International Ltd. in any order it deems appropriate.


Article 7: Use of the Service


Registered Users may use the Service within the scope of the purpose of this Agreement and without violating this Agreement only during the period of valid registration as a Registered User and in accordance with the method specified by WIBS International Ltd. When using the Service, the Registered User shall carefully read this Agreement, the explanatory documents provided on our website, risks and other information, etc., understand the content, mechanism and risks of this Service, including trading of cryptographic assets, and agree to use this Service at his/her own discretion and responsibility.


The preparation and maintenance of computers, software, other equipment, communication lines, other communication environment, etc., necessary to receive this Service shall be at the expense and responsibility of the Registered User.


Registered Users shall be responsible for any computer viruses that may infect their computers, depending on the environment in which they use the Service. They shall take security measures such as prevention, unauthorized access and information leakage prevention at their own expense and responsibility.


The Terms and Conditions for buying and selling crypto-assets on the Sales Office are as follows:


Registered Users may place orders for the sale or purchase of cryptographic assets in accordance with the method prescribed by WIBS International Ltd. The prices at which cryptographic assets are bought and sold are determined by the method prescribed by WIBS International Ltd. and Registered Users may not object to them. WIBS International Ltd. does not promise or guarantee to the Registered Users that the purchase and sale of crypto-assets will be completed.


If the price is determined in accordance with the previous point, the crypto-assets contract between the Registered User and WIBS International Ltd. regarding the purchase and sale of the product is considered to be concluded. The Registered User agrees in advance that he/she is bound by the terms and conditions of the contract at the time of the conclusion of the contract and that he/she cannot withdraw from the contract afterwards.


Article 8: Trading Crypto-assets on WIBS App


The buying and selling of crypto-assets on WIBS App is mainly carried out by Registered Users who want to sell crypto-assets (hereinafter referred to as “sellers”) and Registered Users who want to buy crypto-assets (hereinafter referred to as “buyers”). The transaction on WIBS App is conducted by WIBS International Ltd. which provides a venue for matching Registered Users who want to sell crypto-assets (“Sellers”) with Registered Users who want to buy (“Buyers”). In some cases, WIBS International Ltd. may be a party to the sale. WIBS International Ltd. is not responsible for the sale or purchase of cryptographic assets, but it facilitates the purchase and sale of cryptographic assets and does not promise or guarantee to the Registered User that the purchase and sale of cryptographic assets will be completed.


The seller and the buyer can place orders for the sale and purchase of cryptographic assets in accordance with the method determined by WIBS International Ltd. The price at which cryptographic assets are bought and sold is determined by the agreement of the price offered by the seller and the buyer, and WIBS International Ltd. is not responsible for this price.


If the two parties agree on the amount of money, a contract for purchase and sale of cryptographic assets between the seller and the buyer is concluded. The Registered User agrees in advance that he/she is bound by the terms of the contract once it is concluded and cannot withdraw from it afterwards.


Counter trades (own buy and sell orders of the Registered User executed by matching) are invalid and the corresponding order will expire for the executed part.


Article 9: Crypto-asset Related OTC Derivatives Trading on WIBS App


OTC derivative transactions on the WIBS App are carried out by concluding OTC derivative contracts between Registered Users and WIBS International Ltd. in a relative transaction. WIBS International Ltd. will only execute crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions between Registered Users and within the volume that it can execute, but it does not promise or guarantee the execution of crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions to Registered Users.


Registered Users may submit orders for crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions in accordance with the method determined by WIBS International Ltd. WIBS International Ltd. will offer the sum of the amount of orders in the opposite direction received from another Registered User and the amount required by the department conducting proprietary trading within WIBS International Ltd. as the amount it can accept for crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions with a Registered User at any price. WIBS International Ltd. will not trade crypto-asset related OTC derivatives with Registered Users in excess of the volume presented to Registered Users.


A contract for trading OTC derivatives related to crypto-assets shall be deemed to have been concluded between a Registered User and WIBS International Ltd. at the moment when the conditions regarding price and volume presented by each Registered User and WIBS International Ltd. are met. The Registered User agrees in advance that he/she is bound by the terms and conditions of the contract at the time of the conclusion of the contract and cannot withdraw from it afterwards.


Counterparties (orders placed by Registered Users themselves in different directions) will be invalidated and the corresponding orders will expire for that part of the execution.


Registered Users are allowed to trade only within the limits set by WIBS International Ltd. and WIBS International Ltd. will not execute orders exceeding such limits. WIBS International Ltd. will not execute orders that would result in a shortage of margin. If a Registered User has an excessive amount of open positions compared to the amount of orders received from other Registered Users, WIBS International Ltd. may notify the Registered User to reduce the amount of open positions to the extent requested by WIBS International Ltd. Upon receipt of such notice, the Registered User shall reduce the amount of open positions within the time period requested by WIBS International Ltd.


Article 10: Margin Requirements for Crypto-asset Related OTC Derivatives Trading on the WIBS App


When conducting crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions with WIBS International Ltd., Registered Users shall deposit margin with WIBS International Ltd. in an amount and manner determined by WIBS International Ltd. to secure all customer obligations to WIBS International Ltd. arising from crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions. Registered Users may use their own cryptographic assets deposited with WIBS International Ltd. as margin. In this case, the valuation method for such cryptographic assets will be determined by WIBS International Ltd. and WIBS International Ltd. may change the valuation method without notice.


In the event that margin gains or losses arise from OTC derivative transactions related to cryptographic assets, WIBS International Ltd. will notify Registered Users without prior notice that the margin gains or losses will be used as margin (including cryptographic assets deposited as a substitute for margin based on the preceding item). In the event that Margin Gains or Margin Losses are generated due to OTC Derivative Transactions, such Gains or Losses shall be added to Margin (including cryptographic assets deposited in lieu of Margin pursuant to the preceding item) and such Losses or Gains may be deducted from Margin without prior notice to Registered Users.


A Registered User is obliged to maintain at all times the level (hereinafter referred to as “Margin Maintenance Ratio”) that should be maintained for the Registered User’s transactions as specified by WIBS International Ltd. for the period from the start of new transactions to the settlement of transactions. The Registered User shall at all times maintain an amount equal to or greater than the amount that should be maintained in respect of the Registered User’s transactions.


WIBS International Ltd. may reasonably change the margin maintenance ratio in accordance with revisions of laws and regulations, changes in economic conditions, etc. If the Margin Maintenance Ratio is changed, the changed Margin Maintenance Ratio will be applied to the open interest (positions) margin of Registered Users.


In addition to the foregoing points, the handling of margin for crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions shall be in accordance with the provisions of WIBS International Ltd.

Article 11: Margin Trading of Crypto-Asset Related OTC Derivatives in the WIBS App


If the open interest (position) of a Registered User falls under the criteria set by WIBS International Ltd. as a cut rule, WIBS International Ltd. may, at its discretion and without notice to the Registered User, trade against the customer for its own account. In this case, WIBS International Ltd. will execute cut transactions only within the range of the volume per price that it offers as the volume at which it can execute crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions. Even if WIBS International Ltd. is unable to immediately execute a cut transaction when the result falls under the cut rule, it will not be held responsible for the losses.


WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of a counter-purchase or sale pursuant to the preceding paragraph, even if such losses exceed the price range set in the cut rule.


The cut rules can be changed at the discretion of WIBS International Ltd.


Article 12: Prohibited Activities


Registered Users are prohibited from engaging in the following activities while using the Service

Infringe the intellectual property rights or portrait rights of WIBS International Ltd., the Service, other users or third parties, including acts that directly or indirectly cause such infringement.


Making commercial use of the intellectual property rights (including copyrights) or portrait rights (including portrait rights) of WIBS International Ltd. without the prior consent of WIBS International Ltd. or redistributing such information to third parties.

Attempt to exploite the resources of the Compnay in unintended ways other than the services defined in this agreement including the excessive usage of API call, attempting the cyberattack, and using the system or the services in any potential unlawful activites.

Infringe upon the privacy rights, honor, other rights or profits of WIBS International Ltd., its affiliates or other persons associated with WIBS International Ltd., users of this service or third parties, including acts that directly or indirectly cause such infringement.

Engaging in fraudulent activities, creating or soliciting pyramid schemes, buying or selling illegal goods or services, transferring proceeds of crime, or using services based on such activities.

Engage in activities related to criminal activities or activities that violate public order and morality.

Send information about relationships with the opposite sex, etc.

Solicit other Registered Users or third parties (except as permitted by WIBS International Ltd.), such as distributing advertisements.

Violate any laws and regulations or the internal rules of WIBS International Ltd. or any trade association to which the Registered User belongs.

Engaging in actions that constitute or attempt to constitute a duplicate transfer of cryptographic assets.

Sending information that contains computer viruses or other harmful computer programs, or destroying or interfering with systems, servers, networks or other equipment managed by WIBS International Ltd.

Take advantage of any error, bug, security hole or other defect in the systems, servers, networks or other equipment related to the Service.

Forge any information that may be used in connection with the service.

Transmit data in excess of a data capacity specified by WIBS International Ltd.

Use the Service in a manner not intended by our system through the use of API or other programs not provided by WIBS International Ltd.

Actions that may interfere with the Company’s operation of the Service, such as failing to reduce the amount of open interest in crypto-asset related OTC derivative transactions by the deadline requested by WIBS International Ltd. after receiving a notice from WIBS International Ltd. requesting the reduction of the amount of open interest in such transactions.

Intentionally stealing the assets of Registered Users, WIBS International Ltd. or affiliates of WIBS International Ltd. through replay attacks, etc.

Spreading rumors or falsehoods, using deception or force to damage the credibility of WIBS International Ltd. or extortion.

Creating multiple accounts by the same person.

Actions involving multiple persons using a single account, allowing a third party other than the Registered User to use the account, conspiring with other Registered Users to commit any of the acts listed in any of the items in this section, or any transactions related to such acts.

Opening or attempting to open an account under a name other than your own, such as a fictitious name or the name of another person, or any related transaction, or providing false information to WIBS International Ltd. regarding any or all of the registration information associated with the account.

Provide the same or similar services to a third party through the use of the Service or information obtained through the use of the Service, except with the prior written consent of WIBS International Ltd.

Receive money from a third party into your account or disburse money from your account to a third party (unless expressly permitted by WIBS International Ltd. in advance).

Engage in any activity that WIBS International Ltd. deems inappropriate or suspicious in relation to the use of this service.

Engaging in transactions designed to artificially manipulate and fluctuate the prices of crypto-assets or the prices of transactions in crypto-asset-related OTC derivative transactions.

Engaging in crypto-asset-related transactions with respect to such crypto-asset-related information that is knowingly conducted by an insider with respect to the insider’s status as an insider.

Other activities that WIBS International Ltd. deems inappropriate.

If WIBS International Ltd. determines that a Registered User of the Service has engaged or is likely to engage in any of the prohibited activities listed above, WIBS International Ltd. may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice to the Registered User, take various actions, including deleting all or part of the information submitted by the Registered User, deleting or suspending the Registered User’s account, or other actions. WIBS International Ltd. may also confiscate money or cryptographic assets belonging to a Registered User. In such cases, WIBS International Ltd. shall not be obliged to return any documents received from the Registered User and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Registered User as a result of measures taken in accordance with this section.


WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Registered User as a result of the Registered User’s participation in any of the actions prohibited in this clause.  In addition, the Registered User shall compensate WIBS International Ltd. for any damage caused to WIBS International Ltd. as a result of the Registered User’s actions in any of the points of these terms.


In the event that any of the following applies, WIBS International Ltd. may stop or suspend the use of this service in whole or in part by some or all users without prior notice to the Registered Users:


When computer systems related to this service require regular or urgent inspection or maintenance.

In the event of an accidental shutdown of computers, communication lines, etc.

In the event that the Service cannot be operated due to force majeure such as fire, power outage, natural disaster, war, political upheaval, strike, changes in laws and regulations, sudden changes in legal tender or crypto-asset situations, etc.

Theft of our assets or assets in our custody through hacking or other methods.

In the event of a malfunction of the pricing system or other systems necessary to provide this service.

To investigate account abuse, violations of these terms.

If we deem it necessary to conduct an investigation in accordance with laws and regulations, the internal rules of our company or the industry organization to which the Registered User belongs, or the rules of our company.

If we determine that the funds or cryptographic assets in the Registered User’s account are related to, or suspected of being related to, criminal proceeds.

If the liquidity of the crypto-assets has significantly decreased.

If we decide to discontinue some or all of the cryptographic assets or related services as a result of a hard fork or other changes to the cryptographic asset specifications, etc.

If we deem it impossible to continue providing services due to changes in laws, regulations, policies, social conditions, etc.

Other instances where the Company deems it necessary to suspend or discontinue the Service.

We may stop providing the Service for our own reasons. In this case, we will notify the Registered User in advance.


We may terminate the provision of the Service without prior notice to Registered Users due to the status of our crypto-assets inventory.


WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Registered Users as a result of actions taken by us pursuant to this Article.


Registered Users shall, at the time of starting to use the Service or during the use of the Service, access the Service from WIBS International Ltd.’s website.


When installing software, etc., on a Registered User’s computer, etc., by means of downgrading or other methods, the Registered User shall take sufficient care to prevent the loss or alteration of the Registered User’s information, or the breakage or damage to the equipment, etc., of the Registered User. WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any such damages incurred by the Registered User.


Article 13: Vesting of Rights


All ownership and intellectual property rights in the Website and the Service of WIBS International Ltd. belong to the Company or the person who has granted a license to the Company. Permission to use the Service on the basis of the registration provided for in these Terms and Conditions does not imply a license to use the Website, the Service or the intellectual property rights granted to the Company or the person who has granted a license to the Company. Registered Users shall not engage in any activity, including but not limited to disassembly, decompilation, or reverse engineering, that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the Company or any person licensed to the Company for any reason.


We may freely use any text, image, video or other data posted or sent by a Registered User on our website or through our service, including reproduction, copying, modification, sublicensing to third parties and any other use, without any compensation.


Article 14: Cancellation of Registration, etc.


In the event that a Registered User falls under any of the following reasons, we may temporarily suspend the use of this service or cancel the registration as a Registered User without prior notice or request:


If we believe that you have violated or may violate any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

If the registration information is found to be false.

If you use or attempt to use the Service in a manner that is likely to cause damage to us, other Registered Users, or other third parties, or if we determine that you have done so based on inquiries or reports from public institutions, self-regulatory organizations, other third parties, or news reports, etc.

If you interfere with the operation of this service in any way.

If you cease to make payments or become insolvent, or if a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation proceedings, or other similar proceedings.

If a draft or check drawn or accepted by the Bank itself is dishonored or suspended by a clearing house or subject to other similar measures.

In the event of a petition for attachment, seizure, provisional disposition, foreclosure or auction.

Failure to pay any required fees or charges by the due date established by the Company.

Delinquent tax payments.

In the event of death or a judgment of guardianship, conservatorship, or guardian ad litem.

If you do not use the Service for more than 3 months and do not respond to our communications.

If you fail to respond to our requests for your registration information or other information regarding your use of the Service without reasonable cause.

If the Registered User engages in violent behavior, uses excessive profanity, engages in defamation, libel, threats, or other socially unacceptable behavior, whether by telephone, fax, e-mail, bulletin, or other means of communication, or directly to the Company or its employees.

If the Company believes that the information falls or is likely to fall under any of the items in Article 3, Paragraph 5.

In the event of an order or request from a government agency or self-regulatory organization, etc.

Other cases in which we deem it inappropriate for you to continue registering as a Registered User.

In the event that any of the reasons in the previous paragraph apply, the Registered User shall not be liable for any debt owed to the Company and shall naturally lose the benefit of time and must immediately pay all debts to us.


We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Registered Users as a result of actions taken by us pursuant to this Article.


Registered Users must notify the Company in the manner prescribed by the Company to cancel the registration.


In the event of any of the events referred to the Terms and Conditions or any other termination of registration, we may, without prior notice to or consent of the Registered User, dispose of all or part of the crypto-assets balance in the Registered User’s account by sale or other methods, at our calculation and at our discretion, and settle the remaining open positions in the crypto-asset-related OTC derivative transactions entered into by depositing margin with us by offsetting or other means. In this case, the Registered User shall bear the various costs incurred.


In the event of cancellation of registration, if the Registered User owes us any shortfalls or other debts, the Registered User shall pay them to us immediately. If, after such payment, a verified bank account is registered and the balance exceeds the withdrawal fee, we will refund the amount in indicated currencies including USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, SGD, or requivalent crypto-assets to the relevant bank account or address after deducting the withdrawal fee.


Notwithstanding the foregoing two paragraphs, if the money or cryptographic assets, etc. held by such Registered User is the proceeds of a crime or is suspected to be related to the transfer or criminal activity, we may refuse to return the money or cryptographic assets held by such Registered User and take necessary measures such as confiscation or other measures in accordance with Terms and Conditions.


In the event that a Registered User is required to fulfill his or her obligation to the Company due to the expiration of a deadline, loss of benefit, or any other reason, the Company may set off the obligation against the Registered User’s transactional claim and any other claim against the Company, regardless of the deadline, at any time without prior notice to the Registered User. We may set off the debt against claims against us at any time without prior notice to the Registered User. In this case, the provisions of article 6 shall apply.


If a Registered User fails to meet its obligations to us within the time limit set by us, we may, without notice or demand and without legal proceedings, dispose of the collateral pledged to us by the Registered User at our discretion for the account of the Registered User and apply the remaining amount, after deducting various expenses, to the payment of the obligation, regardless of the legal order. If, as a result of such appropriation, a debt remains, the Registered User shall immediately pay it to us.


In the event that a Registered User fails to fulfill his/her obligation to us in connection with a transaction with us, we may dispose of the Registered User’s margin in our possession, and all such cases shall be handled in accordance with the preceding paragraph.


If a Registered User fails to fulfill his/her obligation to us in relation to a transaction with us, we may, at our request, charge for the delay from the day after the due date until the day of fulfillment. The method of calculation of the late payment fee shall be in accordance with the provisions.

Article 16: Disputes and Damages


Registered Users must compensate WIBS International Ltd. for any damages caused by violation of these Terms and Conditions or in connection with the use of this service.


WIBS International Ltd. is not liable for any damages incurred by Registered Users in connection with the Service.


The provisions in the preceding paragraph and other provisions exempting the company from liability for damages are within the scope permitted by the Consumer Contract Act and other laws and regulations. The Agreement is effective only within the scope of the Agreement. In addition, the Consumer Contracts Act and other laws and regulations do not apply to our liability for damages. Even if the exemption is not granted, our liability, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on our part, shall be limited to the total amount of service fees actually received from the Registered User in the past 1 month period retroactive to the time when the cause of damage occurred.


Article 17: Confidentiality


“Confidential Information” in this Agreement means all information regarding our technology, business, operations, finances, organization and other matters that is provided or disclosed to you by us in writing, orally or by recorded media, or that otherwise becomes known to you in connection with the relevant agreement or the Service.


(a) if the information is publicly known or known to the public at the time it is provided or disclosed by us or becomes known. (b) if the information is already publicly known or known to the public at the time it is provided or disclosed by Company or at the time it becomes known to the public; or (c) if the information is already generally known or known to the public at the time it is provided or disclosed by Company or at the time it becomes known to the public; or

(d) if the information becomes publicly known after we have provided or disclosed it or as a result of circumstances not attributable to us; or

(e) becomes publicly known by publication or otherwise, for reasons not attributable to us; or (f) is provided or disclosed by us or becomes known to us at the time it is provided or disclosed or becomes known to us; (g) is lawfully obtained from a third party who has the right to provide or disclose the information without an obligation to maintain its confidentiality; or

(h) is independently developed without the use of Confidential Information, and (i) has been confirmed in writing by our company as not requiring confidentiality.


Registered Users shall use Confidential Information only for the purpose of using this Service and shall not provide, disclose or transfer our Confidential Information to any third party without our written consent.


Notwithstanding the provisions of terms above mentioned, Registered Users may disclose Confidential Information in response to any order, demand, or request by law, court, or governmental authority. However, in the event of any such order, request or demand, you must promptly notify us of such order, request or demand.


Upon request by the Company, the Registered User shall promptly return or destroy the Confidential Information and all documents, other recorded media containing or describing the Confidential Information, and all copies thereof, in accordance with the Company’s instructions.


Article 18: Duration


The Contract of Use shall remain in force between WIBS International Ltd. and the Registered User during the period of provision of this Service, from the date of completion of the registration in accordance with terms defined in this agreement for the Registered User until the date of cancellation of the registration for said Registered User.


Article 19: Limitations on Assignment and Transfer of Rights and Business Transfer


Registered Users may not assign, transfer, pledge, or otherwise dispose of their position in the Contract of Use or their rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to a third party without our prior written consent.


In the event that we transfer the business related to this Service to another company, we will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the transfer of the business, including but not limited to the status of users, rights and obligations under this Agreement, Registered Users, registered information, other customer information, etc. Part or all of the business may be transferred to the transferee of such business, and the Registered User agrees to such transfer in advance in this paragraph. The transfer of business provided for in this paragraph is not limited to ordinary business transfers, but also includes business divisions and any other cases in which business is transferred. It shall be.


Article 20: Severability


Even if any provision of these Terms and Conditions, or part thereof, is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or any other law or regulation, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remaining part of the provisions determined to be invalid or unenforceable in part shall remain in full force and effect, and the Company and the Registered Users may modify such invalid or unenforceable provisions or parts to the extent necessary to make them legal and enforceable and to ensure the intent, legal and economic equivalence and effect of such invalid or unenforceable provisions or parts.


Article 21: Survival Provisions


All articles shall survive even after the termination of the License Agreement. However, clause or terms that are related to the confidentiality shall remain in effect only for five (5) years after the termination of the License Agreement.


Article 22: Notice


Requests and other communications or notices from Registered Users to us regarding the Service, as well as notices and other communications or notices from us to Registered Users regarding changes to these Terms of Service, shall be sent to us in the manner prescribed by us.


If we notify you by e-mail or by posting a notice on our Website pursuant to the preceding paragraph, such notice shall be effective at the time it is sent by e-mail or posted on our Web site, as the case may be, and shall be delivered to your address or office by first class mail or shall be delivered by e-mail to your address or office by first class mail. If the Company sends a notice to a customer, the notice is effective at the time the Company sends the notice.


If any notice regarding the Service is delayed or fails to arrive due to the customer’s relocation, absence or other reasons beyond our control, the Service shall be deemed to have arrived at the time it would normally have arrived and the notice shall be deemed to have been delivered at the time it would normally have arrived.


Cancellation of a Registered User will be in accordance with these terms and conditions.


Article 23: Changes to these Terms and Conditions


WIBS International Ltd. may change the content of the Service at any time.


WIBS International Ltd. shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this Agreement (including rules, regulations, etc. posted on the Company’s website regarding the Service). The same applies to the remainder of this article. WIBS International Ltd. may change these Terms and Conditions (including the rules and regulations regarding the Service posted on the Company’s website) at any time. In the event that WIBS International Ltd. changes these Terms and Conditions, WIBS International Ltd. will notify the Registered User of the fact that these Terms and Conditions are being changed, the content of these Terms and Conditions after the change, the content of said change, and the time when said change will take effect. If the Registered User uses the Service after the notification of such changes or does not follow the procedure for cancelling the registration within the time period specified by us, the Registered User shall be deemed to have agreed to the changes.


If the changes to these Terms of Service limit the rights of the Registered Users or impose new obligations on the Registered Users, we will notify the Registered Users of the changes before they become effective at a time determined by us and may require the Registered Users to agree to the changes notwithstanding the foregoing. In this case, the Registered User will be notified of the change. In this case, if the Registered User does not agree to the changes within the time period specified by us, we may restrict the Registered User’s use of the Service.


Article 24: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction


These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country indicated and specified by the Company without any exception, and any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the specified country, commonwealth, or state.


Article 25: Consultation and Settlement


In the event that any matter is not provided for in these Terms and Conditions, or any doubt arises as to the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, the Company and the Registered User shall promptly resolve the matter through mutual consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith.

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